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Closed Meeting between Critics and Researchers, NIOD, January 2019

This is the full video recording of the round table discussion between critics of the Dutch research project and researchers from NIOD, KITLV and NIMH.
Download transcription in PDF:

In November 2017 Jeffry Pondaag and Francisca Pattipilohy wrote a critical open letter to the Dutch government, which was signed by 138 people. In their letter they criticized the outline and focus of the study: “Independence, decolonization, violence and war in Indonesia 1945-1950”, of which the results will be presented in February 2022. In September 2017 Pondaag was excluded from the kick-off event of the research but in September 2018 he was invited to speak at the second public meeting. However, Pattipilohy was ignored. The round table discussion of January 2019 was the result of a difficult and long email exchange between Pondaag and the researchers. Yet, they did not want the meeting to be public or recorded. Only after extensive pressuring by the critics, they finally agreed that the closed meeting could be recorded.

See also:

Pengkritik Penelitian Belanda tentang 45-49 menuntut diskusi meja bundar

Report Roundtable discussion

Questions about the Dutch research project – Open Letter

Transcription Round Table Discussion January 31, 2019