Dutch Lawyer Interviews [Balinese] Children and Widows of Victims who were summary executed by the Dutch Army
DenPost, Sunday, 16 May 2021
After the Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 1945, a war of independence took place in the archipelago which then was called the Dutch East Indies. This war caused misery for many of its victims, both Indonesian and Dutch. During this bloody period, the Dutch Army carried out countless executions in many places. Men were executed on the spot in their villages, without any trial.

Subsequently, a group of widows of the victims from Rawagede, West Java, filed a lawsuit against the Netherlands. Based on a decision of 14 September 2011, the Dutch Civil Court in The Hague granted their demands and held the Netherlands responsible for the losses suffered by the widows as a result of the executions of their husbands. [1] Not only in West Java, but similar cases also occurred in Buleleng.
The Chairman of the Dutch Debts of Honour Committee Foundation, Jeffry M. Pondaag, who facilitated this case, assigned a Dutch lawyer, Anna Jonkhoff, to collect data at the execution sites in Selat Village, Sukasada District and Bondalem Village, Tejakula District. The Netherlands had to pay damages of €5,000 (Rp75 million) for children whose fathers were victims of executions carried out by the Dutch army. [2] “I am here to meet and interview the children of the victims in person, then I will bring their reports to the Netherlands,” said Anna Jonkhoff on Sunday (16/4/2021).
Aside from conducting interviews, Anna also obtained data regarding the chronology of executions according to the testimonies of the children of victims. Furthermore, Anna also documented the Ayodya Pura Hero Monument in Selat Village and the Hero Monument in Bondalem Village after she interviewed the children and widows of the victims of the execution of the Dutch army.
Apart from Buleleng, Anna has also scheduled meetings with the widows and children of the victims in several other places in Bali. (118)
[1] In the case of Indonesian widows, the Dutch state was ordered to pay damages of 20,000 per person. In 2020, the Dutch government decided to set up a special regulation for children of Indonesian men who were executed. In case they can prove that their father was summarily executed by the Dutch Army, they can submit an application. If the Dutch state accepts their proof they will receive 5,000 euros damages.
[2] Correction: Jeffry Pondaag did not hire or ask Anna Jonkhoff to conduct interviews on Bali. It was Yvonne Rieger-Rompas, ex-researcher of K.U.K.B, who suggested to ask Jonkhoff’s help. After Pondaag agreed, she contacted Jonkhoff.