Country Year Topic , Translator

Round Table Dutch Parliament – Jeffry Pondaag K.U.K.B.

Double Standards.

Short clip of Jeffry Pondaag’s contribution to the public hearing that was organized by Dutch Parliament on May 30, 2022. Raymond van Roon (PVV), the chair of the meeting, interrupts Pondaag because he ‘has enough of it’ and finds his comments ‘offensive’ to the other people at the table as Pondaag refers to them as ‘collaborators’ and ‘traitors’. At the same time pro-colonial comments, with serious accusations against Indonesians, were allowed. Pondaag was the only Indonesian speaking at this meeting. Apart from the contribution about conscientious objectors there was no other anti-colonial party present. Formally the chair of the meeting should remain neutral as this was not a public debate but a public hearing. Watch the entire video recording of the meeting via this link (in Dutch only):

See also:

Not invited for the Public Hearing of Dutch Government