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Wereldmuseum Rotterdam

Histori Bersama was present at the public event:”The Rotterdam History of Slavery and Colonialism” which was held on November 15th, 2019 at Wereldmuseum Rotterdam. Last year the city of Rotterdam commissioned KITLV to conduct research on the colonial past. This will lead to 3 book publications, involving Gert Oostindie, Alex van Stipriaan, Francio Guadeloupe, Paul van de Laar and Liane van der Linden. This video shows two presentations by chair person and anthropologist Linda Lemmen & historian and founder Marjolein Van Pagee. This discussion was organized by Wayne Modest, director of the Research Center for Material Culture. Moderator: Wim Manuhutu.

Download full text here:

Pictures © Kirsten van Santen

Short video with English subtitles of the presentation by Prof. Alex van Stipriaan: