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Knowledge by Roots – English subtitles

Knowlegde by Roots (KBR) is a new brand developed by Lukas Eleuwarin. He is a Moluccan fashion designer who grew up in the Netherlands. One of his ancestors is Raja Waer, a local king from the original Wandan (Banda) community. Already before the year 1621 Raja Waer decided to leave Banda behind and settled on the Kei islands, a small archipelago in the Southeastern part of Maluku, Indonesia. He founded the village Dian on Kei Kecil. Until today this is the place where the Wandan-descendants live and keep their history alive. This is Lukas’ story. The year 1621 is an important date as this was the year that the genocide on the Banda-islands was carried out by the VOC under leadership of Jan Pieterszoon Coen. It was also the year that the West-Indische Compagnie (WIC, West-Indian Company) was founded. In 2021 this was 400 years ago. With his brand Lukas wants to encourage people to think more about their roots. What is your story?

Follow the Youtube channel of Knowledge by Roots:
Or follow KBR on Instagram:
Lukas Eleuwarin on Instagram:
Creative Director of KBR Dave Masbaitoeboen:
Beat by V.ell music:
Video by Daniël Brons Productions: