Media Name / NRC
Honorable historians denounce intimidation, but what exactly are they referring to? NRC Historian Anne-Lot Hoek intimidated because of Indonesia research – NRC Too often the law is used to sabotage reasonable debate – NRC Bersiap: a debate that asks for more facts and more voices – NRC Rijksmuseum keeps using the word Bersiap – NRC Delete the term ‘Bersiap’ because it is racist – NRC The Netherlands is looking for the good side of history – NRC Listen to the Indonesian Voices – NRC Honor for Dutch veterans is unacceptable – NRC Apologies but why no research? – NRC Resolve legal matters quickly – NRC Questions to Jakarta – 2003 The murder of my father – NRC Pebble in your shoe – NRC Apologies Beheading 1947 – NRC Structural Violence – NRC Mass Grave Madura – NRC Dutch Retaliation – NRC Japan Capitulated – NRC