Link tree Histori Bersama

‘Indonesia Merdeka‘ – Event 17 augustus 2024 – Tolhuistuin Amsterdam


Update KNHG accusation:

Tulisan oleh Burhan Borut, keturunan Wandan:

English blogpost by Wandan-descendant Burhan Borut:

English translation of the article by the ombudsman of NRC 

English Translation of article on Dutch news website

Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia artikel NRC

Historian Anne-Lot Hoek intimidated because of Indonesia research – NRC

Siaran Pers versi Bahasa Indonesia

Press release Histori Bersama – KNHG accusations

Livestream Book Launch ‘Bung Tomo’, Marjolein van Pagee, November 9, 20:00 (Dutch time):

Bung Tomo – Marjolein van Pagee

Press Release KUKB: Jeffry Pondaag writes letter to Mayor Amsterdam

Centuries of colonial indoctrination normalized what is not normal 

Bauke Geersing: ‘Dutch Massacre in Rawagede is Fake News’

Click here for the Indonesian translation of the article by Cornelis J. Wisse:

Book Launch Dutch Research: ‘Bridging the Narratives’

Dutch war crimes in Indonesia – C.J. Wisse, NJB

Second official response Indonesia research – Dutch government

Press Release: KUKB loses bersiap-case against Rijksmuseum

The Indonesia Interviews – Jeffry Pondaag part II

The Paradox of the Bersiap –

The Indonesia Interviews: Jeffry Pondaag – Deel I

Amsterdam Court of Appeal receives complaint by K.U.K.B. 

Sylvana Simons (BIJ1) about the Dutch Research Project

Spui25/University of Amsterdam reports Histori Bersama to Youtube

Round Table Dutch Parliament – Jeffry Pondaag K.U.K.B.

Not invited for the Public Hearing of Dutch Government

Dutch Research Team about Indies people, Moluccans and Veterans

Mariëtte Wolf (NIOD) about the exclusion of K.U.K.B.

Transcription Round Table Discussion January 31, 2019

Hassan Wirajuda about the Dutch Research Project

Statement concerning Anne-Lot Hoek and her husband

Anne-Lot Hoek contacts editors of One World

What Legal Steps Can Indonesia Take with Rutte’s ‘Sincere Apologies’?

The useless spending of 4.1m euros on the study of ‘extreme violence’

Extreme violence is not allowed, but normal violence is OK – IISR

Racial apartheid continues, targeting Indonesian war victims – The Jakarta Post

K.U.K.B. reports Rijksmuseum to the police

The Dutch Revision Project – Marjolein van Pagee

Max Havelaar: The Book That Killed Colonialism? – Saut Situmorang

Closed Meeting between Critics and Researchers, NIOD, January 2019

(Updated) Book presentation Anne-Lot Hoek – Spui25

The Netherlands barely informed Indonesians about damages –

The Netherlands tortured on Bali –

Ambon 1623 / Banda 1621 – IIAS

Mindere Welvaart Commissie – Tirto

Website Gouden Koets/ Colden Coach (in English):


Queen Wilhelmina’s Speech – Tirto

Not Understanding the Indonesian Wish to be Independent – Tirto

Message Ady Setyawan – Nusantara Kita

Dutch Lawyer Liesbeth Zegveld Withdraws From the Indonesia Cases – K.U.K.B.